"Serpens catus" : Don't fall for that!

"Serpens catus": Don't fall for that!
Above: The Supposed "Rarest Felid in the world"

You probably are all familiar with felids. They're everywhere. From Africa,to America, to Asia... Maybe even in your own house! Felidae is the family in which house cats, lions and tigers belong.  Usually, felids are studied by biology or sub-sciences of it, such as paleontology or zoology (beeing a sub-science doesn't mean it's not important), but this "felid" is so bad it can't even be considered a cryptid.

The "Rarest Felid In The World" 
In the post above (which comes from Twitter) claims to show a picture of the "rarest species of feline in the world"• just by hearing the world "species" instead of "genus" makes it clear this is fake. Next, the post claims it lives in hard to reach regions of the Amazon, making it hard to study. Again, this proves the post wrong since we all know that explorers can really go anywhere. I mean, some literally went into a cave filled with more than 50cm worth of mud and faeces and discovered an orange crocodile, all that by Foot.

1.Disproving this creatures existence

A. Scientific Name
After research, I found that the genus "Serpens" doesn't exist, even though many species of various kingdoms (plants, animals etc) seem to be called serpens. No about the "catus", it doesn't make any sence. I'm sure it tries to reference the word "cat", which is a non-scientific term that we use to describe a house cat. A house cat's actual name is Felis, so it should have been used instead.

B. Colouration
The Coloursation of this supposed felid also proves that it is fake. First of all, the environment it lives at (which is the Amazon) probably would naturally have a similar effect on an actual felid, but instead of Black body with yellow spots and stripes, it would have a yellow body with black spots or stripes. The colouration of the "snake felid" actually resembles that of an Amazon salamander 

C. Extra Stuff
So, looking at this "felid's" body, you can see that it has no hair anywhere except the head, proving not only that this is based on a salamander but also that it was made in photoshop

Moral of the story: Don't fall for that kind of stuff. See you!
