Fossil Collection

 Aggelos Mantos Fossil Collection

Most Of The Fossils I've Collected In All Of My expenditions
*Note That The Larger Specimens, Such as AMFC-0001, AMFC-0006 etc. aren't included yet, since some of them have been gifted to museums. Expect them to be here too soonly*

Expendition 1 (November 2022)

AMFC-0001. Ammonite Individual. Unidentifiable genus.

Three Unidentified Ammonite Individuals from AMFC-0002

Broken Ammonite Individual From AMFC-0002. Unknown Genus

Broken Ammonite Individual From AMFC-0002. Speculated to be a member of phylloceratidae

Ammonite Individual From AMFC-0002. Unknown Genus

Broken Part Of Ammonite Individual Found Inside AMFC-0002. Unknown Genus

AMFC-0003. Fossilized Collony Of Bivalves. Genus Is Speculated to Be Bositra

AMFC-0004. Unknown bivalve individual

Expendition 2 (February 2023)

AMFC-0005. Ammonite Individual. Genus Is Speculated to be Phylloceras

AMFC-0006. Unidentifiable Ammonite Individuals.

AMFC-0007. Ammonite Individual. Speculated to be A member of Perisphictidae

Expendition 3 (February 2023)

AMFC-0008. Broken Ammonite Individual, Unidentified Genus.

AMFC-0009. Ammonite Individual. Unknown Genus
AMFC-0013. An unidentified Shelled Cephalopod

AMFC-00014. Ammonite Individual. Unknown Genus


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