Woah everybody, looks like it has been a while since last time we spoke about the AMFC specimens! Recently, I decided to look at them closely, just to see if I can make out anything that I couldn't back in the day, and I did. At that point, I thought of straight up posting it as a blog post, but then it hit me; back in August of 2022 (good ol' times of going around in discord making memes about dinosaurs to be honest), I started working on a book called something like "Thesprotia During The Age Of The Reptiles", which was about my county during the Mesozoic. It was pretty bad, it had some misinformation, and its only source was, as the internet says, "trust me bro". I of course soon realized that this book was not good at all and I.. I immidietaly gave up. Now, after almost a year, I have remade the book, but better, and more informative. It is indeed a short book, however it does not have many misinformation, and if there is any it is possibly presented in the form of Speculation. I present to you:

Fossil Mollusks Of Thesprotia

This is the First Version of the book, however I will do more research one specific specimens and then I will possibly renew it and enrichen it.

Yes, I actually found a way to both make it a public PDF and Embed it. 

Now, on the Fossil Update. As I mentioned in the start, I've found lots of new stuff regarding the ammonites and the bivalves of the Ammonitico Rosso rocks found in the mountain of Kestrini. First and most importantly, I have uncovered the possible genuses in which the ammonites may be assigned to. I have also made some good speculations on what AMFC-0003 and AMFC-0004, the only bivalves, may be. Unfortunately, there are few specimens, specifically AMFC-0001 and AMFC-0006 which are preserved in half, so only the only thing we can see is the structure of their internal chambers. So sadly, little is known about these two and they will probably be unidentified for a long time. 

Because of this huge update, many new data will be added to the Fossil Collection Page (Yipee!). I hope that I have been successful in identifying the specimens.


Links to Updated / Newly created Pages regarding The New Info on the Specimens

I will work on Another project for the time, and when I finish it I will upload it as well. See You!
