Have you ever had thalassophobia? Well, if you did or still do, then this fish could be one of your worst nightmares. But for a fact it shouldn't be. Why? Because this fish and its relatives are docile, making them harmless to us. I mean, do you think that this body-type is made for consuming a human?

Oarfish (Regalidae)
Oarfish are horrendously huge; the longest bony fish (Osteichthyes) in fact, with the longest species reaching over 11 meters in length! As you have probably already guessed, these guys inhabit tropical and semitropical waters, specifically in the mesopelagic zone (250+m.) They are rarely seen alive in the surface, yet there are few sightings of them.

Oarfish have also been rumored to be the "harbringers of doom", and that because it is believed that when an oarfish washes up a natural disaster is about to happen. While this is in most of the cases true, it isn't always time to panic.
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Bibliography and Sources
-Aggelos Mantos


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